Rachel Windham
Contact Information
1800 Main Street
Acute Care
Ambulatory Care
Cancer Treatment Centers
Education/Nursing & Medical Schools
Medical Offices
Medical/Dental Office
Outpatient Care
Sustainable Design
Wellness/Fitness Center
Women & Children Health Facility

Designer Profile

Rachel is an idealist and a realist — a storyteller but also a strategic thinker. Over the last 22 years, this duality has served her well as a healthcare interior designer. She has always been interested in how the practicalities of space, finishes, lighting, furniture, and art combine to tell a story and evoke emotion. Rachel also respects the complexity of Healthcare Interiors. She finds that they require a high-level, holistic approach and a focused eye for planning and detail.   Rachel’s appreciation for blending design and strategy led to a particular focus in Intuitive Design and Wayfinding — creating naturally intuitive spaces that are visually organized and easy to read — which plays into all projects that cross her desk.  Rachel enjoys collaborating with clients and teams on all aspects of interior design, from visioning and concept design, programming and documentation, to furniture selection and installation. She’s looking forward to working with you to discover what’s possible for the interior design of your healthcare project.