Partnership Benefit Levels

A variety of opportunities are provided, depending upon the selected partnership level.

For more information, contact Adrianne Stokes, Industry Relations Manager.

Benefit DescriptionPlatinum ($12,000)Gold ($9,000)Silver ($6,000)Bronze ($3,000)
Benefits - Platinum Level
Host a virtual Product Development Event.
Host a virtual meeting with CHIDs, 60 minutes, any topic.
Host a Product Showcase, open for all CHIDs, virtual 30 minutes.
Company banner featured on AAHID website.
Logo featured on the Step & Repeat Wall at AAHID Annual Meeting & Reception at HCD.
Benefits - Gold Level
IP logo featured at AAHID's HCD Trade Expo booth.
AAHID promotion of an IP produced CEU Webinar.
Logo recognition in the AAHID President's Message (Distributed to all CHIDs).
All CHID e-blast distribution (One Annually).
Benefits - Silver Level
Gallery option on IPs AAHID website profile
Link to 1 IP white paper on AAHID's website (subject to review).
AAHID Annual Meeting and Reception post attendee list
Benefits - Bronze Level
Invitations to all IP/CHID Community Connections Events (quarterly)
Invitation to AAHID Annual Meeting and Reception at HCD, with recognition on AAHID slides displayed during the reception.
Recognition on AAHID website with logo and link to company website.
New IP announcement to all CHIDs via Digest E-blast.
Advertisement in AAHID Year In ReviewFull Page3/4 page1/2 pageLogo
AAHID logo for use in promotional marketing subject to terms of AAHID Logo Usage Brand Guidelines.
Meet with members of AAHID leadership, at HCD Trade Expo to discuss AAHID/IP relationship, and review new products (subject to availability).
Opportunity to post news and events on AAHID's Linked In page, subject to AAHID review.
Opportunity for additional sponsorship of AAHID Annual Meeting & Reception.
AAHID IP Level Counter Cards provided at PDC, HCD, & NeoCon.
Additional Opportunities for SupportCommitment
Host a Product Showcase with CHIDs (30 minutes)$7,500
AAHID Annual Meeting and Reception Sponsorship$500 - $2500
IP Think Tank with up to 20 participating CHIDs (One Annually)$2,500
CHID E-blast distribution (One Annually)$850
Provide Scholarships to AAHID exam candidates (covers exam and application fee) $500
Special Initiative OpportunitiesContact AAHID for details

Questions? Contact Adrianne Stokes, Industry Relations Manager.