CEU Policy
To improve your knowledge and maintain the highest standards of professionalism, integrity, and competence, ongoing CEUs are required to maintain your CHID credential.
Compliance/Reporting Period
CHID Certified Healthcare Interior Designers® are required to complete 10 CEU contact hours every two years. However, CEU credits may not be carried over from any two-year reporting period to the next reporting period. This policy is consistent with the current IIDA and ASID policy schedule, supporting collaboration among the design organizations.
Valid CEU Courses and Formats
The subject matter of each course/seminar should be focused on appropriate healthcare interior design topics relating to your area of expertise, difficulty level and interest. Courses/seminars undertaken must be valid sources of approved CEUs and may be in a variety of resource formats, i.e., audio/visual conferences or attendance at seminars and conferences.
Approved CEU Providers
AAHID recognizes CEU courses approved by the IDCEC approval system; State Regulatory Boards; AIA approved CES; accredited colleges and universities offering degrees, credits and diploma programs in healthcare interior design, per the Council for Interior Design Accreditation (CIDA, formerly FIDER); ANSI; and NFPA.
Acceptance of CEUs in Coordination with Other Design Organizations
To simplify requirements and support all professional design organizations, we acknowledge acceptance of CEUs taken for other professional IDCEC certified design organizations, AIA approved CES or CIDA accredited healthcare design subject matter.
For example, if a course at Neocon titled “The Bariatric Population” is submitted for credit to IIDA for that organization’s required 10 (1.0) contact hours of CEUs, you may also consider it qualified for the CHID 10 (10) required contact hours and should also note the CHID affiliation on the form for tracking purposes.
New Certificants
Any CHID Certified Healthcare Interior Designer® is exempt from CEUs during his or her exam year. New certificants begin their two (2) year reporting period January 1 of the following year and be required to have 10 (1.0) contact hours in the next two years.
Review of CEUs
AAHID undertakes random monitoring of the required CEUs for compliance. It is recommended that you keep photocopied records documenting completion of CEU sessions and of submittals to the NCIDQ.
You’ll be notified if selected for review; AAHID staff will be in touch with you and NCIDQ to verify CEU compliance. If delinquent in the number of contact hours required, you’ll be given six months after receiving notice to correct the deficiency.
There is no carry-over of CEU units from previous compliance periods. “Double usage” of make-up credits for the next compliance period is also not allowed.
NCIDQ Reporting Methods
Regarding all units to be self-reported to NCIDQ for verification and certification, NCIDQ has agreed to accept these units for our CHID monitoring. A notation that these units are designated for CHID should be noted on your submittals.