Post your White Papers!
AAHID is excited to announce a new process for developing and posting White Papers. Tell us about your latest advancements or research findings through a White Paper. Our CHIDs are always looking for new solutions to issues they may be having on a project. AAHID is now accepting White Papers from:
- CHID(s) – No fee required.
- CHID(s) and Design Firm Partners (DFP) – No fee required.
- CHID(s) and Industry Partners (IP) – No fee required.
- Design Firm Partners (DFP) – No fee required.
- Industry Partners (IP) – Silver, Gold, and Platinum IPs receive 1 complimentary White Paper posting each year. Bronze level and each additional White Paper requires a $2,500 fee.
- Non-Industry Partners – $2,500 fee applies per White Paper.
Click on the buttons below to view our White Paper Toolkit materials which includes guidelines, sample template for the white papers, and scoring criteria.
Submit your Proposal
Ready to submit your White Paper Proposal? Complete the White Paper Proposal form to be reviewed by the Research & Education Committee. Once reviewed, the Committee will follow-up with you to discuss further details.