Inactive CHID Status

AAHID developed the Inactive CHID status to recognize CHIDs who temporarily do not meet eligibility requirements for recertification (whether it be work hours or CE hours) and do not want to forfeit their credential. Inactive Status is appropriate for those planning to renew their certification within a 1-year time frame from their original expiration date. During Inactive Status, the certification credential (CHID) may not be used. Candidates may reactivate their certification anytime during the 1-year Inactive status period, once all of the established renewal eligibility requirements are met. At the time of renewal, continuing education credits and other requirements must be met and meet the time frame as defined at the time of renewal (i.e. within 2-years of submitting the renewal application).


In order to be eligible for Inactive CHID status, candidates must:

  • be a current CHID in the last year of their recertification cycle (i.e. due to expire December 31st of the current year)
  • not meet the recertification eligibility criteria, but is planning to return to healthcare interior design (i.e. is not currently working in healthcare interior design OR does not meet the CE hour requirement during their 2-year cycle)
  • Pay a one-time $100 fee for Inactive Status
Other Requirements
  • Applications must be submitted prior to the end of the grace period for the candidate’s current renewal cycle (i.e. if your certification expires on December 31, 2024, the Inactive application must be submitted between June 1, 2024-December 31, 2025)
  • No submission of CEs is required at the time of applying for Inactive status, however, in order to regain full CHID status, candidates must meet the renewal requirements as defined in the year that they submit their renewal application. CE must be earned within the previous 2-years. If eligibility is not met at the end of the 1-year extension period, the certification will no longer be renewable except by meeting the current exam eligibility criteria, paying the examination fee, and passing the CHID exam.
  • Candidates may NOT apply for Inactive status and deferment of renewal for two consecutive certification cycles.
  • Candidates are NOT eligible to serve as a subject matter expert and/or invited guest of the AAHID Board and/or AAHID committees.
  • Inactive CHIDs will not retain their profile page in the CHID Directory until their CHID is fully renewed.
  • Inactive CHIDs will continue to receive AAHID CHID e-mails and have access to AAHID social media.
Use of Designation

An individual who has been granted Inactive CHID status may not represent themselves as a CHID and may not use the credential during this 1-year timeframe. Once the Inactive CHID submits their full renewal application and is approved, the candidate will then be able to use the CHID credential

If you have applied for Inactive CHID status and would like to be recertify please complete the CHID Recertification application with payment.

There are two easy steps in this process:

Log in to access the Inactive CHID status application form.